Tai Hawkins studied acupuncture in Honolulu, Hawai'i at the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, where she graduated with a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine. During her final year of school, Tai completed two externships in China at the Guangzhou TCM hospital and Tianjin TCM hospital and also trained with Facial Rejuvenation pioneer Virginia Doran. Tai has been practicing acupuncture in the state of Hawaii for seven years has also been a licensed massage therapist for over twenty years. She is certified as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine by the National Council on Chinese Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Her areas of interest include facial acupuncture, musculoskeletal issues, women's health, stress management, and herbal medicine. Tai graduated with a BA in Cultural and Social Anthropology and a minor in Dance from Stanford University. In addition to healing through Chinese Medicine, Tai is an ardent believer in the healing power of dance. She now performs, teaches, and hosts dance workshops throughout the islands. Born and raised in Kailua, Tai has been shaped by the multitude of lessons the ocean has to offer to us. One of her favorite sayings about health and beauty comes from a paddling coach who always used to yell from the beach, “feeling good, looking good”; the internal environment is always reflected to the outside world, and in that way, wellness is beauty and vitality.