Kyoko Kato studied acupuncture at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon where she graduated with a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine. During her 5 years of study, she found that Chinese and Japanese cultures are deeply interwoven, and her practice has become one of the ways she strengthens the connection to her ancestral roots.
Kyoko is naturally drawn to Japanese style acupuncture and other gentle healing techniques including acupuncture with stones and working with sound. She has completed specialty training in Teate-hari with Tsuyoshi Shimamura, non-insertion needle technique with Anryu Iwashina, and Japanese style moxa and gentle hands-on techniques with Bob Quinn. Over the past seven years, Kyoko has also been in ongoing shamanic healing and ritual practice training under the guidance of Liv Mokai Wheeler.
Kyoko brings a unique perspective to her healing work with a BA in Architecture, and MA in Engineering in Japan. She enjoys applying her engineering mind to acupuncture and spirituality, exploring the alchemy of elements and how they weave with nature’s energies.