Elisha was introduced to acupuncture through her studies with her Shaman Camucha Mendieta in Tarapoto, Peru. Interested in plant medicine and the connection to healing from the alchemy of herbal medicine, she was guided to a globally established Latin spoken Chinese medicine school called La Escuela De Nei Jing. She studied at the branch in NYC from 2015 - 2019.
In summer of 2019, her father was diagnosed with Prostate cancer. Elisha lived and cared for him in Jerusalem, Israel in his last months. During that time she found an acupuncture clinic called Nei Jing where she took her father to be treated by Dr. Shimon Friedlander. This became an apprenticeship where she learned his clinical approach using laser acupuncture and Master Tung Ching Chang’s acupuncture system. During this time, Elisha was inspired to study deeper and enrolled in acupuncture school at Pacific College of Health and Science in Manhattan. After resonating with many signs to follow a long awaited dream, she moved here to Hawaii in 2020 and transferred to the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, in Honolulu.
Elisha has a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Masters in Art Education from Manhattanville College. She’s been teaching fine art with painting and ceramics where she incorporates meditation and is passionate about using the arts to heal people - from Keiki to Kapuna.